
Last Midnight (2)

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As it turned out, there were two restaurants on B Deck, both were highly sophisticated. Once again, Jason was reminded of how far Richard liked to give him the best of things, even it was pretty excessive.

"Well, I guess that was somewhat expected." He said as he exited the À la Carte Restaurant. Wilson, who had been waiting outside, regarded him with curiosity.

"It turns out that my ticket fares had included for meals in there." Jason gestured to the restaurant. "The maître d' told me so… and believe me when I say that it was like a small version of the Ritz Restaurant."

Wilson let out a chuckle. "Lord Brockford doesn't do things halfway through."

"That he does." Jason nodded in agreement, idly watching the ship's chamber orchestra stringing away a lively music at the foot of the aft staircase, which looked exactly like the grand staircase up front, but slightly smaller. "Well, I don't think I will eat there today… I'll be in Cafe Parisian I guess." He gestured to the second restaurant, which was located adjacent to the À la Carte. He had seen a few people around his age going into the sunny looking restaurant, and it seemed to be a far more relaxing place.

"Very good, sir." Wilson nodded.

Jason scratched the back of his neck. "You can go and have your lunch. I might be long, so feel free to stroll around after you're done." He said, chuckling at the look on Wilson's eyes. "Go enjoy yourself."

The valet's mouth quirked up into a smile and gave Jason a nod. "Very well, sir. I shall see you around dinner time then." He said, before he left, taking the staircase down to C Deck below.

Jason then turned to walk through the entrance of Cafe Parisian. A couple of stewards welcomed him inside and a waiter swiftly guided him to a wicker table seating two people, which was right next to the wide, rectangular windows which showed a very nice view of the ocean outside, and also bathing the long, but spacious establishment a good amount of sunlight. No wonder the ivies covering the white trellised walls looked so vibrant.

"Can I get your order, sir?" The waiter asked once Jason was properly seated, giving the young man the menu card.

Jason took the card and gave it a long look. He noticed that the list of food was pretty much continental and not to mention fancy. His eyes widened slightly from the price tags for each food item. Good thing he brought his wallet with him. "Er… I'll have the bouillon, chicken timbales… and the mushroom soup." He said.

The waiter nodded. "And the dessert, sir?"

"I'll have… the raspberry ice please." He replied after giving a quick scan of the dessert section.

"Very good sir. I shall be with your orders in a few moments." The uniformed man gave a curt nod before departing.

Nodding, Jason quickly made a quick calculation from the food he had ordered, and gave a silent sigh when he knew that his wallet wouldn't deflate dramatically. Though, he definitely would have to take more pounds out from his trunk next time he wanted to dine here.

As he waited for his lunch to be delivered, Jason silently observed the passengers who had decided to dine in the cafe. There weren't too many people here, he noted. Perhaps most of the passengers had opted to have their lunch on the main restaurant instead.

Jason couldn't help but blink as he heard two young woman talking loudly to themselves as they were guided to their seats, which was right across Jason. Both were accompanied by their chaperones, who were conversing between themselves in a quieter tone. He had to admit, the young women quite beautiful in their brightly colored sundresses, especially the brunette with the pink and white dress and broad brimmed hat. Though, he thought their taste of jewelry were rather excessive. Their chaperones were elegant for their old age, and held themselves with much more finesse. From the looks of their faces, they didn't approve of their charges' way of dressing.

But what Jason found rather unsettling is how the two kept shooting him glances, giggling like a schoolgirl every once in awhile as they whispered to each other. He subconsciously rubbed the back of his neck and tried to surreptitiously look anywhere but them. Good thing that their chaperons quickly put an end of their giggling, but it didn't stop the two women to give Jason long, meaningful looks.

"Your orders, sir."

Jason blinked up at the waiter, who had appeared right beside him, carrying a large tray with his lunch. He had never been so glad once his food came, and the heavenly smell emanating from the tray made his stomach growl. He definitely welcomed the distraction as it took his mind off the giggling girls.

"Oh, right. Thank you." He said, letting the waiter to place down the clear, golden bullion in front of him, accompanied by four large cuts of chicken timbales. Perhaps it was the delicious taste, or he was hungrier than he realized, but Jason quickly devoured his lunch. The giggling girls was soon out of his mind as he let himself enjoy the delicious food. The sweet, refreshing raspberry ice was perfect to wash down his mouth after the particularly richly flavored mushroom soup.

After paying for his lunch and completely ignoring the looks given by the young women, Jason exited the cafe and wandered around the aft staircase—a slightly smaller replica of the one up front—and came face to face with Wilson who was just making his way up to A Deck.

"Wilson. I take it lunch was satisfactory?" He couldn't help but ask after seeing his valet's face.

Wilson gave a wistful smile. "It was good, much to expect from a distinguished company like White Star, but nothing beats Mrs. Fleming's cooking." He added brightly.

Mrs. Fleming was the head cook in Galebrook Hall. She was stout, middle-aged woman with frizzy blonde hair with a commanding attitude which brings order out of chaos in the kitchen, but her cooking was definitely one of the best Jason had tasted, so the young man let out a short chuckle and nodded in agreement. "You're quite right there."

"Did you enjoy your lunch, sir?" The footman asked, following Jason when he made his way through the brightly lit corridor of B Deck.

"Yes, it was definitely nice, and also filling." Jason nodded and let out a small burp. "Excuse me. I think I'll take a walk through the promenade to digest the lunch." He said, turning to the older man. "And didn't I tell you that you're free for the rest of the afternoon?" He added.

Wilson smiled mischievously. "I don't see why I can't walk with you, sir. After all, we had just finished lunch."

Jason simply gave the man a dry look. "I can't get you off my shoulder can't I?"

"I am simply doing my job, sir." Wilson let out a grin.


Two familiar faces appeared that afternoon, and it was a pleasant surprise for Jason. He never expected to see his old friend, Samuel Crawson and his parents, Mr. James and Violet Crawson, on board . He and Wilson were lounging by the deck chairs on the promenade when Jason saw the family of three and promptly called to them.

Samuel had never looked so surprised. "You didn't tell me you're going to board this ship!"

Jason could only laugh and returned the hug his childhood friend had gave him. "Same to you! I thought you said you were to go back to the States next month."

"Yes, we were." Samuel nodded with a grin. "Last minute change of plans." He explained.

"Ah, I see," Jason then turned his attention to Samuel's parents. "It's good to see you again, sir, ma'am." He extended his hand, which was grasped warmly by Mr. Crawson.

"Nice to see you again, Jason. After so long." The man replied with a grin. "Travelling alone?"

Jason shook his head as he gestured towards Wilson. "Not really, no. I'm traveling with Wilson, my valet." He said.

The Crawsons gave Wilson a polite smile and a nod. "Well then, you're definitely in good hands." Mr. Crawson remarked. "Well, we best be off. We just had a lovely company in the Palm Court and I'm quite stuffed. We will be making a few rounds on this deck. Care to join us?" He added.

"Ah, well, we've just finished our walk and it was pretty tiring, especially for a ship this big." Jason explained, gesturing to the deck chair him and Wilson had been occupying. "So I think I'll have to decline." He added apologetically.

Mr. Crawson nodded understandingly. "Not to worry young man. We'll see each other again pretty soon… perhaps during dinner?"

Jason immediately nodded. The thought of catching up with his friend brightened him up considerably. "Sure. It would be no problem."

"We'll see you there." Samuel gave his friend a grin, before thumping him on the back, and quickly joined his parents who continued their way towards the entryway.

Jason let out a sigh and went back to his deck chair, intent on enjoying the salty breeze and the sunset before he headed back inside for dinner as the Titanic continued on her journey to her next port of call.

They finally arrived at Cherbourg, France very late in the afternoon, around an hour after dinner was announced. The Reception Room was filled to the brim as the passengers who just joined them from Cherbourg had entered through the starboard side entrance with a throng of stewards and bellboys to assist with their luggage, while the passengers who had embarked from Southampton were making their way towards the Dining Saloon which was just next to the Reception.

Every passenger mingled around, catching up with each other and socialized with the members of the higher society, with the men doing their best to act dignified and the ladies to look pretty. However, things certainly didn't really look as formal as it should be, as everyone was more or less still wearing their travelling clothes. That was one of the things Jason liked about sailing. He doesn't need to change into the stuffy dinner suit at the first day and could be comfortable with his coat and vest.

As he and Wilson descended the grand staircase into the Reception, Jason immediately scanned the crowd to find Samuel and his parents. But try as he might, he couldn't find the Crawsons anywhere. It was almost impossible to identify them in the sea of hundred people or so.

"Do you see them?"

Wilson shook his head. "No, sir… but I think I saw Covington over there."

Jason glanced towards the direction where Wilson had pointed. Sure enough, the brown haired man could be seen talking animatedly with who appeared to be John Jacob Astor and his wife, Madeline. Both of them were looking quite impeccable in their obviously expensive travelling clothes. Accompanying them was a pretty blonde in a smart black petticoat and dark green dress, who stood quite close to Covington.

"Brockford! My good lad, how have you been? And Wilson, good to see you too." Covington exclaimed, shaking Jason's and Wilson's hand warmly. "I'm afraid you've just missed the Astors. It's not everyday you can meet one of the richest passengers on board the Titanic." He chuckled to himself.

Jason found himself grinning along with the tycoon. His enthusiasm was pretty contagious. "I'm doing fine, Covington. There sure is a number of famous people here."

"Quite right, quite right." Covington nodded in agreement. "Ah, I don't think I've introduced you to Miss Amelia Belmont." He said, turning to the woman beside him. "She's my dear secretary and I tell you, I'll be lost without her. Amelia, meet Mr. Jason Brockford and his valet, Wilson."

Jason gave the woman a polite smile and extended his hand. "How do you do?"

"How do you do?" Miss Belmont replied pleasantly and returned the handshake.

Covington let out a sharp hum when a particular group of three people walked past them into the Dining Saloon. The tycoon looked rather excited himself and Jason could see why. He recognized Ebenezer McCannard and his oak walking stick with an elaborate bird shape handle everywhere.

The elderly Scottish business magnate was an old friend of his father, and he showed up a few times for dinner in Galebrooke. From the few meetings Jason had with the man, McCannard had showed himself to be a very shrewd businessman, with a thrift-ish lifestyle.

"I wonder what got him into buying a First Class ticket on the Titanic of all thing." Jason wondered mostly to himself. Covington let out a small chortle.

"Oh, met him haven't you?" He asked, of which Jason nodded to. "Well, I guess you haven't met his sisters then." He gestured to the tall brunette haired lady accompanying what a slightly older looking woman possessing a lighter shade of brown hair. "They can be quite persuasive, and not to mention Martha McCannard's infamous temper."

Jason blinked a few times, before he nodded slowly, biting back a grin.

"Well then, let's get to the dining room, shall we?" Covington said as they walked towards the double doors at the end of the Reception Room. He linked arms with Amelia while Jason followed from behind, with Wilson right beside him. He didn't follow Jason through the door however and gave Jason a parting nod.

"I'll meet you after dinner, sir." He said.

Nodding, Jason then turned to join Covington again, who seemed to be pointing out some of the more well known passengers that had joined them in the dining room to Amelia.

"That's Sir Cosmo and her wife, Lady Duff Gordon over there. I heard they were quickly gaining popularity with their fashion products...and there's Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Strauss, owner of Macy's. Good old couple. I dined with them once. Ah, and there's Caledon Hockley and his fiancee, young Rose DeWitt Bukater. Pity the DeWitt Bukaters had fallen into some financial troubles lately… oh and over there's Colonel Archibald Gracie with the Captain..."

Jason tuned out Covington's ramblings and nodded to the waiter who had directed the three of them to their table, which sat six and is located slightly near the centre of the wide room. And joining them was a small group of women, looking quite stunning even in their travelling clothes.

"Mr. Covington." Said the older of the three, approaching the man, whose eyes lit up in recognition. "It's a pleasant surprise."

"Pleasure to meet you too, Viscountess Barringford." Covington, who had risen and greeted the named Viscountess, said charmingly. "And of course, the lovely Lady Helena Dupont-Mercer. Oh and the ever present Miss Weston.", He added before going to kiss the two women's hands with a small bow and nodded his head in greeting to the third, who must be a lady-in-waiting for the Viscountess. Both Jason and Ms. Belmont quickly stood up in the presence of a British nobility out of sheer courtesy.

The Viscountess must be the mother of Lady Helena, as they both shared the same shade of beautiful raven locks, high cheekbones, and the same round-shaped lips. The only difference was their eyes and of course, their age. Whereas Viscountess Barringford has clear blue eyes and looking like a well respected lady of her title and age, Lady Helena was a young woman with an air of cold grace that was reflected on her striking, misty grey eyes which Jason found exceedingly mesmerizing. Not to mention, the midnight blue and white coat brought out the wonderful contrast that was dark her hair and pale eyes. He forced himself to look away before things get awkward from staring at a lady like an idiot.

"How do you do, Mr. Covington?" Viscountess Barringford continued. "I see you have been avoiding the press really well this past few months." She added with a quirk on her lips.

Covington chuckled. "All part of my skills." He said before he gestured to the two other guests on his table. "I don't believe you've met my friends. This is Miss Amelia Belmont, my secretary, and this is Mr. Jason Brockford. I believe you have met his father, Lord Richard Brockford, Baron Norholm."

"How do you do?" Jason plastered a smile and resisted the urge to bite his lip slightly as he threw a sideways glance to the young tycoon, wondering how on earth the man had found out about his lineage. Covington seemed oblivious to his predicament however, and now the three ladies' attention was on to him as they took their seats, which was lined with deep green leather.

Jason quickly found himself sitting right next to Lady Helena. The Viscountess seemed oddly pleased with the sitting arrangement judging from the look on her face.

"So you are the son Lord Norholm had been dying to introduce us to." Lady Helena said with a polite smile, which didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm sure the change of scenery was quite of a shock for you after living in Boston for so long."

"Everything was a bit of a surprise, my lady." Jason replied smoothly as the waiters began to go on their rounds and fill their glasses with wine. He couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by the off hand remark coming from the woman, but he kept his composure. "British countryside was a welcome change after the hustle and bustle of city life. Upper Norholm has a very refreshing view and atmosphere."

Lady Helena gave a small nod. "I'm glad you think so. It's a pity my mother and I couldn't make it to the dinner party last week." She said, turning to the Viscountess and Miss Weston who were both engaged in their own hushed conversation.

"It's perfectly fine." Replied Jason. "It was like other parties father had hosted, so I don't think you had missed anything, really."

"It is been awhile since mother and I visited Galebrooke Hall." She stated, referring to the manor Richard Brockford owned and resides in.

Jason simply made a non-committal hum, finding himself once again staring into the young woman's misty grey eyes.

"So what brings you back to America?"

Jerking his attention back to reality, Jason forced down the sudden surge of embarrassment and let out a small cough. "It's my father's request... He had gone to New York for a business trip and he wants me there for the remainder of his stay." He replied, before he reached for the glass, careful not to knock over the immaculate looking table lamp which took the better part of the centre of the table.

"I see... And how's English life treating you, Mr. Brockford?" Lady Helena asked as Jason took several sips of the wine, which was exceedingly good, and not too heavy.

"It is pretty different from my life in the States, that's for sure." He replied. "You enjoy the finer things in life, and I can respect that. But I confess, it takes a bit of time for me to adjust to the sheer opulence." He chuckled.

Lady Helena gave a curt nod and began to eat. She turned her attention towards her mother afterwards, which allowed Jason to finally take a good look around the dining room as the meals slowly progressed through several light courses consisting of light soups and small bites of fish.

"By the way, Mr. Brockford." His musings were cut short as Covington nudged for his attention. "Would you mind if you join me to the Smoking Room with some of my friends? A bit of brandy and maybe a game of cards if you like."

Deciding that it would probably sound rude if he refused, Jason nodded. "Of course. But I'll probably catch up with my friend who's on board before joining you, if you don't mind." He added, remembering that Samuel and his parents will probably be looking for him right after dinner.

"Of course, of course." Covington nodded brightly. "Bring him along too if your friend isn't occupied with something else. The more the merrier." He chuckled, biting into his lamb.

Jason tried to hide his smile. Knowing how Samuel disliked the smell of tobacco, but couldn't resist the opportunity to meet new people, it should be fun persuading his friend. "I shall see about that." He said, just as the waiters brought out a heavenly scented, steaming platter which soon was revealed to be a roast chicken with a rich gravy and sauce.

Disclaimer: Based on actual events. All original characters appearing in this work are fictitious unless stated otherwise. Any resemblance to real persons, are purely coincidental.

Second chapter posted, and this has been really fun to write especially the interaction between The Honorable Jason Brockford and Lady Helena Dupont-Mercer (forgive me if her name is a mouthful, but I can't help but give her a long name). Next chapter will focus on the Second Class passengers, which was sadly not quite covered in Cameron's movie or most fanfictions I've read. Oh, and concerning the movie characters, they will make appearances from time to time, but probably won't really engage with my band fictional characters. Just a small reminder.

Anywho, please comment and do tell me what you think. Supportive criticisms are welcomed as I'm still learning to write myself, but outright flames would be pointedly ignored.

Part: 1|2|3
© 2016 - 2024 Quarteon01
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